
Picture Hanging & Installation – It really doesn’t matter how good a painting is, or how well it’s framed, if it’s not hung well on the wall it can look terrible. When it comes to hanging art and frames, whether at home, in office spaces, restaurants, hotels or installing major exhibitions in galleries and museums Art Hire Framing have a wealth of experience.
For years artist’s have been transporting work from their studio to photographers, then to framers, back to the studio and then off to galleries across the UK. In some cases their work is framed in Glasgow and sent to London where it is removed from the frames to be photographed for wed-sites and catalogues. This seems such an unnecessary waste of time and money, and we all know that the more a piece of art is moved around the more vulnerable it is to damage.
With this in mind we have pulled resources with two other like-minded companies based in the our studio complex, both specialists in their own branches of fine art, to create a unique service in Scotland. The problem has been solved. A one-stop shop that can take care of all an artist’s needs under one roof.
Lighthouse Photographics – specialist in digital reproduction of fine art for web-sites, catalogues and giclee printing.
To view Photographic Service click here
Painting & Restoration Studio – specializes in the conservation and restoration of paintings.
To view Restoration Service click here